Category Archives: Musings


Posted on by Philip

If “[t]he sole cause of man’s unhappiness is that he does not know how to stay quietly in his room” (Pascal) I don’t know if I want to be happy: because I want to keep traveling. I can’t imagine contentedness equalling … Continue reading

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Posted on by Philip

Big decisions are curious things. I have one; I find it odd. They take a long time to decide, they are hard to make. But hard decisions are always good ones, right? Think about it, the only decisions that are … Continue reading

Posted in Musings | 1 Comment

The Theory of Relativity Whilst Traveling

Posted on by Philip

Whenever I travel I notice some odd things happen with time. It happened again this trip and as I was thinking about it I realized it has similarities to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity which says something about how time goes … Continue reading

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